A graduation is a huge accomplishment, a time that certainly calls for a celebration. After years of late-night studies, early morning classes, and countless hours of dedication, the day you’ve been working towards is finally here. It’s a bittersweet time in life and it can surely bring up a ton of emotions. You’re probably feeling proud of all your accomplishments, but it’s also sad to say farewell to a school that was practically your second home for so many years. Looking forward, you should be excited to see what the future holds for you. After graduation, the possibilities are endless. It’s a truly special occasion and should be celebrated in style with your friends, family, and fellow graduates.
Your graduation party is something you shouldn’t have to hold back on; it’s not like a birthday party that rolls around every year. Your graduation is one of life’s major milestones and the memories of this special day can only be made only a few times in your life. Whether you decide to host your party at home, a restaurant, or a beautiful banquet hall, here are 15 unique graduation party decorations that would add the perfect touch to your special event:
- Diploma cookies
Here’s an easy one; tie shiny red ribbons around Pirouette chocolate wafer cookies and they’ll look just like a pile of diplomas. Edible chocolate ones, that is!
- Diploma cutlery
Just like the diploma cookies, these are super easy to create and highly effective in contributing to the whole graduation theme. Start with a pile of napkins, forks, knives, and blue or black ribbon. Open up the napkin so that it is a square and begin rolling the cutlery diagonally into the napkin, from one corner to the other. Hold the napkin in place by tying a ribbon. Voila! Your guests can get diplomas of their own at your party.
- Photo memories on solo drinking cups
Using contact paper, you can transfer photos of your favourite memories from paper to solo drinking cups. It’s such a fine detail to any party, and surely a conversation starter. For a graduation party, using photos from your childhood and youth is always a great sentiment.
- Key to success tips
Have you ever been to a baby shower and was asked to write down tips for the mother-to-be? Well, this is the same concept, just graduation style. Ask your guests to share “key to success tips” on key tags tied with string to actual keys. You can use old keys around the house, buy a bunch of pretend keys used for crafts at any local craft store, or purchase blank keys at a key cutting location. It’s a cute play on words and a great way to collect advice.
- Building memories
Another creative alternative to having your guests sign a guestbook is to build a Jenga tower and have your guests sign the blocks with a shared memory. Create a unique sign that tells your guests, “Thank you for helping me build the best memories! Take a block and write your favourite memory we shared together.” It’s both a fun and memorable way to capture stories to remember for a lifetime.
- Inspiration quotes in chalk
Who doesn’t love inspirational quotes written in chalk? You can find miniature chalkboards on stands at any discount store, craft store or department store. Write inspirational quotes on them and incorporate them as part of a centrepiece on each table.
- Year of the cupcake
Swap out the plain old cake for a cupcake table in the shape of your graduation year. It also makes for a simple grab-and-go concept, less mess, and you get to avoid the awkward cake cutting moment.
- Balloon photo booth
You need something to get the party started and aside from music, and a photo booth usually gets the party going. A cool and inexpensive way to create an amazing photo booth is with balloons! Create a photo booth frame and include large mylar balloons that are graduation themed. You’ll definitely see a ton of these photos in your social media feed for the next few days.
- Graduation-inspired candy table
If you are looking for the best party favours for your guests, people love getting sweets and treats. Not a lot of people are into little knick knacks — they might like the sentiment of it, but how useful is another small candy bowl, really? Create a graduation inspired candy table with a fun play on words like “honour roll” tootsie rolls and “graduation ring” pops. Your guest will certainly love this one.
- Confetti filled balloons
Confetti in transparent balloons can really dazzle any room, but they can be kind of pricey to buy. Luckily, this is the sort of thing you can do yourself at home. Here’s some easy DIY instructions for confetti balloons.
You’ll need clear white balloons, a funnel, and fun coloured confetti. To start, attach the lip of the balloon to the bottom of the funnel. Then, pour one or two tablespoons into the funnel and push it into the balloon. Next, inflate the balloons with confetti inside and tie the balloon closed. That’s all there is to it!
If you’re planning a graduation celebration, consider hosting the party in a banquet hall. Having the party at banquet hall is perfect because you can invite all your closes family and friends without having to worry about bringing all the mess into your home. You’ll have the space to socialize, eat, dance, and bring in all your unique decoration ideas.
If you’re in Toronto, Vaughan, or the surrounding areas, Le Jardin is one of the most popular venues for hosting special events from weddings to baptisms and graduations. Our luxurious venue and first class service staff confirm we’re the experts in ensuring that your wedding or social event is positively memorable and enjoyable.
For more information, call Le Jardin today at 1-888-529-8573 or contact us here.